Two simplest love spells put on hair picked out from a The first love spell is cast on the third day of the new lunar cycle. Put the target’s hair on the table. Use a new pair of scissors to cut off a lock of your hair. Remember that dyed hair can’t be used in love spells, so make sure your hair is undyed and natural. By the way, it applies to both, your hair and the target’s hair.
Put two locks together and tie them up to make what looks like a brush (tie them up on both ends). Put the remaining thread away as you’ll need it later.Light a candle and heat up a magic knife over it. By the way, you should buy these ingredients (threads, candles, knives) only at an esoteric store. Moreover, the seller should confirm these items are good for love spells.
When the knife is heated and there is some soot on it, cut a big unripe apple in half. The knife should still be warm while you’re cutting your apple and the apple, once cut, should open up like an oyster shell. Put two photos inside the apple (your photo and the target’s photo). The photos should face each other. Put the hair in between. Put the apple halves back together and wind it around with the remaining thread as if you’re creating a cocoon. Blow out the candle and put it away together with the apple. Now wait. The spell will take effect in 6 days.
The second love spell is easier to cast. To perform this ritual, you will need:
- Your photo;
- The target’s photo;
- Magic knife to cut the threads off;
- Magic threads;
- The target’s hair;
- One red magic candle and one white magic candle soldered together;
- Small mirror;
- Small canvas lace bag made specifically for this ritual.
Roll the target’s hair up in your photo. Wind the photo around with the thread and seal it with some candle wax. Roll your hair up in the target’s photo and do the same. Drip some wax on both cylinders. Press the cylinders together to make a cross. Wind it around with the tread. Put it into the lace bag. Put the candle out and put it into the bag too. Put the mirror into the bag to protect your love spell from, for example, your rival or someone who has feelings for the target too. Tie up the bag and put the magic knife on top of it.
The spell is expected to take effect in 4 days. If nothing happens, contact a professional spellcaster. hair brush
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