Magic, which history can be traced back several thousand years ago, doesn’t have real love spells that work when cast by inexperienced sorcerers. Whatever you can find is either a simple love spell with a tag “The most powerful!” or “Guaranteed result!” or a truly powerful spell which can’t be cast by beginners successfully. Why? Because websites offering free love spells, actually provide misleading information and basically lie to users, knowingly or unknowingly. The thing is they are run by people who don’t practice magic. These people don’t realize their content is misleading, while experienced spellcasters like myself, spellcaster Maxim website, notice it right away. The first type of misleading information is when simple actions, such as setting simple mental goals or wishing something with all your heart, are presented as a powerful magic ritual. The second type of misleading information is when people are assured they are able to cast a strong love sp...